mRNA Vaccines Can Increase Serious Adverse Events: Researchers


TIMESOFINDIA.COM    10 January 2023

According to a scientist from Louisiana, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, mRNA vaccines can increase the risk of adverse events in some individuals, including sudden cardiac death. In a video, he reanalyzed the Pfizer and Moderna trials for the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. He stated that the vaccine increases serious adverse events at a rate of one in 800.


He stated that in his research paper published in a peer-reviewed article, he did not believe that a single study warranted the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines from the market. However, they compared their study to another with similar findings. Hence, they concluded vaccines are causing sudden cardiac deaths.


He questioned the benefits of the vaccine in his video. He pointed out that the Omicron variant is less virulent and can evade much of the protection offered by the vaccines. This creates a situation where the benefits of the vaccines have been dramatically reduced in terms of hospitalization and death. 

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